
    還在煩惱今年母親節不知道要送什麼母親節禮物嗎?這邊有很多適合媽媽的黑森林蛋糕 推薦 台北戒指、項鍊、還有超好吃的母親節蛋糕宅配推薦,歡迎來到這邊挑選適合的母親節禮物黑森林蛋糕 推薦 台北,配件飾品專區內都有很適合送給母親的禮品,母親節禮物要送什麼?母親節禮物推薦黑森林蛋糕 推薦 台北,母親節禮物專賣店,專售母親節禮物排行、母親節禮物推薦、黑森林蛋糕 推薦 台北母親節禮物diy、特別母親節禮盒等、各種款式精緻溫馨的小禮物

2017年01月17日 14:16


▲阿斯拉姆表演中發現有女歌迷被性騷擾,趕緊伸出援手。(圖/翻攝自Atif Aslam IG、YouTube)


巴基斯坦歌手阿斯拉姆(Atif Aslam)15日在城市喀拉蚩舉辦小型演唱會,在台上發現台下有女歌迷遭到「鹹豬手」騷擾,便英勇救美,善舉獲得現場歌迷歡呼,大批歌迷在推特轉發此事,被外媒爭相報導。


▲阿斯拉姆在當地人氣相當高。(圖/翻攝自Atif Aslam IG)

事實上,巴基斯坦和印度的關係雖然不是很好,但是阿斯拉姆卻靠音樂才華走紅於印度,現年33歲的他在2012年登上英國倫敦的O2體育館(O2 Arena),成為首次在該國際舞台演出的巴基斯坦歌手,和從事教育工作的老婆Sara Bharwana結婚多年,育有一個兒子。而他的英勇舉動片段近幾天在推特上瘋傳,許多歌迷都向他致敬,誇讚他身為公眾人物,能夠擔起社會責任、做好榜樣。



/ Staff writer, with CNAThe Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) line began trial runs yesterday, with free rides being offered to the public in two phases over the course of one month before commercial operations begin on March 2, Taoyuan Metro Corp said.In the first phase, which is to run through Feb. 15, group passengers who apply in advance are to be allowed to travel for free between 8am and 4pm, the company saidDuring this phase, passengers are to be restricted to boarding and disembarking at only six of the 21 stations, which do not include the two stations serving Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, it added.The six stations are Taipei Main Station (A1), New Taipei Industrial Park Station (A3), Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Station (A8), Shanbi Station (A10), Taoyuan High Speed Rail Station (A18) and Huanbei Station (A21), or north link, the company said.In the second phase, which is to start on Feb. 15 and run through March 1, a daily maximum of 40,000 free rides between 8am and 4pm will be offered to individual passengers who obtain numbered tags at the stations at 7:40am, 9:40am, 11:40am and 1:40pm, the company said, adding that passengers will have access to all 21 stations during this phase.Although luggage check-in services for airport passengers will be available at Taipei Main Station during the second phase, outbound passengers are advised not to use it until the line’s commercial operations begin on March 2.The first trial run traveled from Huanbei Station to Taipei Main Station, with Taoyuan Mayor Cheng Wen-tsan (鄭文燦) and Taoyuan City Council Speaker Chiu Yi-sheng (邱奕勝) leading about 160 local officials and residents aboard the new train.Some people who rode the line 花蓮母親節特惠餐廳described it as “the pride of Taoyuan,” while expressing hope that it would be profitable.However, others said they felt uncomfortable during the journey on a windy section between Huanbei Station and Airport Terminal 2.After the MRT starts commercial operations, passengers will be offered a 50 percent discount on all trips during the first month, the company said, adding that the trains will run from 6am to 11pm every day.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES







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